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The Government of Mongolia has received a loan from the ordinary capital resources of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), a grant from Japan Fund for Joint Crediting Mechanism and a grant from Strategic Climate Fund toward the cost of Upscaling Renewable Energy Sector Project (UREP) in 2019.  The Upscaling Renewable Sector Project is aimed to increase the clean sources of energy supply in the country and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and need for imported electricity. For more information about the project please visit the link below.


Consultant for Financial Analysist (National, 6 Person-Months, Continuous)

The objective of this assignment is to develop new strategy of dept management of Energy sector for existing and upcoming debt uptakes in WES, AUES and other distribution, transmission, and generation companies with aim of providing policy recommendation and strategies for addressing robust reduction of current debt burdens and improve financial health in accordance with existing regulatory environment, specifically the following:

  1. Analyze data produced at the Department level and suggest ways to improve the data and its types and quality based on experience from similar organizations in other countries of Energy sector entities current debt conditions.
  2. Develop policy and action plan to reduce existing short to long term debt both foreign on-lending to commercial lending based on data analysis.
  3. Develop policy guidelines to reduce burdens of debt for accomplished and ongoing projects on financial conditions of state-owned enterprises of the sector based on international best practices.
  4. Develop strategic policy guidelines to appropriately manage current short to long term debt and investment portfolio.
  5. Comment on current on-lending to commercial loan agreements with both domestic and foreign institutions with the aim of reduction of financial burdens.
  6. Other work is necessary to increase the Energy sector financial efficiency of the institutional, regulatory, and supervisory framework of MOE and ERC.

Ultimate result of service

This service will result in a comprehensive report on Energy sector debt management with robust reduction of debt burden and improvement of financial efficiency. The report will be a key policy document for financial strategy and planning for the Sector.

Minimum Qualifications Requirements:

The national consultant must have:

  1. A suitable candidate should have at least a master’s degree in the field of financial management, economics, with substantial experience in drafting financial policy guidelines and debt management.
    1. The candidate should have at least 8 years of relevant professional experience in the financial sector including developing legislation, financial and economic analysis, or debt management of public entities.
    2. The candidate should have a proven record of accomplishment of work on financial and debt management framework for infrastructure agencies, preferably energy sector. 
    3. Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to function effectively, collaboratively in a team environment, high integrity, and accountability.

Required documents include:

  • Cover letter;
  • CV prepared following the ADB format;
  • Copies of diploma(s) and certificate(s); and
  • Copy of national citizenship ID;
  • Reference letters from previous employers
  • Any other relevant supporting documents

Interested individuals should submit their materials through the ADB Consultant Management System before 11:59 P.M. on April 19, 2024.

Please see the link below for more information.

Мэдээний төрөл: Сул ажлын байрны зар

Сэтгэгдэл бичих


Салбарын үйлдвэр компаниуд
  • Монгол улсын эрчим хүчний зохицуулах хороо
  • Багануурын дулааны станц
  • Даланзадгадын дулааны цахилгаан станц
  • Цахилгаан дамжуулах үндэсний сүлжээ
  • Дархан сэлэнгийн цахилгаан түгээх сүлжээ
  • Улаанбаатар дулааны сүлжээ
  • Дорнод бүсийн эрчим хүчний систем
  • Эрдэнэт булганы цахилгаан түгээх сүлжээ
  • Дулааны гуравдугаар цахилгаан станц
  • Эрдэнэтийн дулааны цахилгаан станц
  • Налайхын дулааны станц
  • Дулааны хоёрдугаар цахилгаан станц
  • Дулааны дөрөвдүгээр цахилгаан станц
  • Улаанбаатар цахилгаан түгээх сүлжээ
  • Диспетчерийн үндэсний төв ХХК
  • Алтай улиастайн эрчим хүчний систем
  • Багануур зүүн өмнөд бүсийн цахилгаан түгээх сүлжээ
  • Баруун бүсийн эрчим хүчний систем
  • Дарханы дулааны цахилгаан станц
  • Өмнөд бүсийн цахилгаан түгээх сүлжээ
  • Эрчим хүчний эдийн засгийн хүрээлэн
  • Амгалан дулааны станц
  • Дулаан шарын гол
  • Баянхонгор эрчим хүч
  • Хөвсгөл эрчим хүч
  • Дархан дулааны сүлжээ