Монгол Улсын Засгийн газар, Европын сэргээн босголт хөгжлийн банк хооронд 2019 онд байгуулсан Санхүүжилтийн ерөнхий хэлэлцээрийн хүрээнд хэрэгжиж байгаа “Улаанбаатар хотын төвлөрсөн дулаан хангамжийн төсөл”-ийн 2023 оны худалдан авах ажиллагааны төлөвлөгөөний дагуу “Амгалан орчмыг хангах дулааны шугам шинээр татах \2ф400мм, 1,8 хос.км\ ” ажил гүйцэтгэх тендерийг тус банкны худалдан авах ажиллагааны ЕСЕРР платформд 2023 оны 12 дугаар сарын 13-ны өдөр зарлаж, 2024 оны 01 дүгээр сарын 29-ны өдөр Лондонгийн цагаар 10:00 цагт хаагдана.


Invitation to Submit Proposals




Project:Ulaanbaatar District Heating Project

EBRD Project ID:49511

Client:Ulaanbaatar District Heating SOE

Contract:Package 2.2 New heating pipelines 2xDN400 and 2xDN300 for Amgalan area

Type of Contract:Works

Procurement Method:Open competitive procedure, Single-Stage, without Prequalification

Procurement Process ID:29465388

Deadline for submission of proposals:29/01/2024 10:00 UK time


This invitation to submit proposals follows the general procurement notice for the project, published https://www.ebrd.com/work-with-us/procurement/notices.html on 9 January 2023.

The Client has received financing from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “Bank”), and intends using part of the proceeds towards the cost of the contract stipulated in this invitation.

The procurement process will be carried out in accordance with the Bank’s Procurement Policies and Rules dated May 2022.

The procurement process is open to participants from any country.

The Client now invites proposals for the following contract (the “Contract”), to be funded from the above proceeds:

Under the contract "New heating pipelines 2xDN400 and 2xDN300 for Amgalan area” the Contractor shall construct a new heating pipeline of 3067 meters with a total diameter of Ø400mm from VC-1 to VC-12 of the design, install heating pipelines, barriers, and equipment, construction of 3 water discharge wells and 11 new valve chambers from the current existing 1 valve chamber with a plug and complete consequent rehabilitation and landscaping works such as asphalt-concrete paved road, pavement, sidewalk, cast concrete road and restore green structures.

A full description of the procurement process, evaluation methodology, eligibility and qualification requirements for participants, as well as the terms and conditions and requirements of the Contract are contained in the procurement document for the Contract, which can be obtained by contacting the Client.

The procurement document may be downloaded from the Internet using the following link: https://ecepp.ebrd.com/ (EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal ECEPP) free of charge.


Ministry of Energy


Ulaanbaatar District Heating SOE